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Our Preschool

Outcomes for children are outstanding - Ofsted July 2018​
Children are extremely confident, highly engaged play and enthusiastic. They concentrate very well in group activities and readily share their ideas. Younger children select their own activities, explore materials and take part in in role play with friends. Children are extremely eager to share their learning, speak very well and talk about their preferences. They listen carefully to each other as they share news from home. Children talk fondly about how their teachers help them to do,'tricky' things'. 

Our topic this term is "animals". The topic will include learning about farm animals, nocturnal animals and animals that live in cold and hot habitats. We will base a lot of our work around new and familiar stories, games and songs. The children will have the opportunity to paint pictures, make 3D models, model animals out of playdough and design their own animals out of various construction resources. We will also use animals as a theme for some cooking activities.


We will continue to provide ongoing phonics using the Jolly Phonics scheme and twice weekly yoga once all of our new children have settled in. One member of staff is also enrolled on some new training from September which involves emotional literacy and so this will also be incorporated once the training is complete.


Each day at the preschool we sing our good morning song and complete our daily calendar to reinforce the days of the week, months of the year and the weather/seasons. We also do ten minutes of Jolly Phonics which reinforces initial sounds and the letters of the alphabet. Children are encouraged to bring in an object from home that begins with the sound of the week.

We incorporate counting, songs and a game each day and we try to link these to our ongoing topic.


We continually assess our children using the statements in the EYFS and the development points in Development Matters. We use these assessments to inform our planning. We plan assessment opportunities as well as ad-hoc observations.


All assessments are recorded in each child's Learning Journey and their tracker. These are also plotted onto termly progress sheets and termly graphs. From these, we set targets and detailed 'next steps' for each child. Parents are invited in to speak with their child's Key Worker each term where all this information is explained and shared. Our setting also has a 'next steps' display for parents to see and for staff to use. 


Children self register when they arrive by finding their handprint with their name on. When the children choose to access the outside resources, they also find their handprint and place it on the door before putting their coat on.


Every day we choose two children who are "helping hands" for the day. They help with simple tasks such as giving out plates and cups at snack time and singing our tidy up song for others to follow. This encourages children to develop a sense of responsibility and team work. 


Every half term we invite parents into the setting to look at the art work display and to discuss their child's learning journey. It is also a good chance for staff and parents to informally discuss how their child is getting on and to address any additional learning needs where necessary.








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